require('cold_word_drop.string') require("cold_word_drop.metatable") -- local puts = require("tools/debugtool") local drop_list = require("cold_word_drop.drop_words") local hide_list = require("cold_word_drop.hide_words") local turndown_freq_list = require("cold_word_drop.turndown_freq_words") local tbls = { ['drop_list'] = drop_list, ['hide_list'] = hide_list, ['turndown_freq_list'] = turndown_freq_list } -- local cold_word_drop = {} local function get_record_filername(record_type) local user_distribute_name = rime_api:get_distribution_name() if user_distribute_name == '小狼毫' then return string.format("%s\\Rime\\lua\\cold_word_drop\\%s_words.lua", os.getenv("APPDATA"), record_type) end local system = io.popen("uname -s"):read("*l") local filename = nil -- body if system == "Darwin" then filename = string.format("%s/Library/Rime/lua/cold_word_drop/%s_words.lua", os.getenv('HOME'), record_type) elseif system == "Linux" then filename = string.format("%s/%s/rime/lua/cold_word_drop/%s_words.lua", os.getenv('HOME'), (string.find(os.getenv('GTK_IM_MODULE'), 'fcitx') and '.local/share/fcitx5' or '.config/ibus'), record_type) end return filename end local function write_word_to_file(record_type) -- local filename = string.format("%s/Library/Rime/lua/cold_word_drop/%s_words.lua", os.getenv('HOME'), record_type) local filename = get_record_filername(record_type) local record_header = string.format("local %s_words =\n", record_type) local record_tailer = string.format("\nreturn %s_words", record_type) local fd = assert(, "w")) --打开 fd:setvbuf("line") fd:write(record_header) --写入文件头部 -- df:flush() --刷新 local x = string.format("%s_list", record_type) local record = table.serialize(tbls[x]) -- lua 的 table 对象 序列化为字符串 fd:write(record) --写入 序列化的字符串 fd:write(record_tailer) --写入文件尾部, 结束记录 fd:close() --关闭 end local function check_encode_matched(cand_code, word, input_code_tbl, reversedb) if #cand_code < 1 and utf8.len(word) > 1 then -- 二字词以上的词条反查, 需要逐个字去反查 local word_cand_code = string.split(word, "") for i, v in ipairs(word_cand_code) do -- 如有 `[` 引导的辅助码情况, 去掉引导符及之后的所有形码字符 local char_code = string.gsub(reversedb:lookup(v), '%[%l%l', '') local _char_preedit_code = input_code_tbl[i] or " " -- 如有 `[` 引导的辅助码情况, 同上, 去掉之 local char_preedit_code = string.gsub(_char_preedit_code, '%[%l+', '') if not string.match(char_code, char_preedit_code) then -- 输入编码串和词条反查结果不匹配(考虑到多音字, 开启了模糊音, 纠错音), 返回false, 表示隐藏这个词条 return false end end end -- 输入编码串和词条反查结果匹配, 返回true, 表示对这个词条降频 return true end local function append_word_to_droplist(ctx, action_type, reversedb) local word = ctx.word local input_code = ctx.code if action_type == 'drop' then table.insert(drop_list, word) -- 高亮选中的词条插入到 drop_list return true end local input_code_tbl = string.split(input_code, " ") local cand_code = reversedb:lookup(word) or "" -- 反查候选项文字编码 -- 二字词 的匹配检查, 匹配返回true, 不匹配返回false local match_result = check_encode_matched(cand_code, word, input_code_tbl, reversedb) local ccand_code = string.gsub(cand_code, '%[%l%l', '') -- 如有 `[` 引导的辅助码情况, 去掉引导符及之后的所有形码字符 local input_str = string.gsub(input_code, '%[%l+', '') local input_code_str = table.concat(input_code_tbl, '') -- 单字和二字词 的匹配检查, 如果匹配, 降频 if string.match(ccand_code, input_str) or match_result then if turndown_freq_list[word] then table.insert(turndown_freq_list[word], input_code_str) else turndown_freq_list[word] = { input_code_str } end return 'turndown_freq' end -- 单字和二字词 如果不匹配 就隐藏 if not hide_list[word] then hide_list[word] = { input_code_str } return true else -- 隐藏的词条如果已经在 hide_list 中, 则将输入串追加到 值表中, 如: ['藏'] = {'chang', 'zhang'} if not table.find_index(hide_list[word], input_code_str) then table.insert(hide_list[word], input_code_str) return true else return false end end end local function processor(key, env) local engine = env.engine local config = engine.schema.config local context = engine.context -- local top_cand_text = context:get_commit_text() -- local preedit_code = context.input local preedit_code = context:get_script_text() local turndown_cand_key = config:get_string("key_binder/turn_down_cand") or "Control+j" local drop_cand_key = config:get_string("key_binder/drop_cand") or "Control+d" local action_map = { [turndown_cand_key] = 'hide', [drop_cand_key] = 'drop' } -- local schema_id = config:get_string("schema/schema_id") local schema_id = config:get_string("translator/dictionary") -- 多方案共用字典取主方案名称 ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global local reversedb = ReverseLookup(schema_id) if key:repr() == turndown_cand_key or key:repr() == drop_cand_key then local cand = context:get_selected_candidate() local action_type = action_map[key:repr()] local ctx_map = { ['word'] = cand.text, ['code'] = preedit_code } local res = append_word_to_droplist(ctx_map, action_type, reversedb) context:refresh_non_confirmed_composition() -- 刷新当前输入法候选菜单, 实现看到实时效果 if type(res) == "boolean" then -- 期望被删的词和隐藏的词条写入文件(drop_words.lua, hide_words.lua) write_word_to_file(action_type) else -- 期望 要调整词频的词条写入 turndown_freq_words.lua 文件 write_word_to_file(res) end return 1 -- kAccept end return 2 -- kNoop, 不做任何操作, 交给下个组件处理 end return processor